Congressional Caucus Email on FY20 Apts

TBC Needs Your Help – Call to Action
Good afternoon all: The Bipartisan Congressional Bus Caucus is working to increase bus funding in the FY20 Appropriations process and they need our help.
Attached please find a “Dear Colleague” letter being circulated by Caucus Co-Chair’s Larsen and LaHood. The letter was sent to all 435 Representatives and they are seeking signatures from House Members by Wednesday, March 27th. Once signatures are collected, the Bus Caucus will send the letter to the Appropriations Committee in support of our $702 million plus-up request for bus funding.
Can you (or your lobbyist) please reach out to your House member today and ask them to sign the letter? You can just forward the attached letter and ask them to sign on before the March 27th deadline.
There are literally hundreds of these Dear Colleagues being sent around this week to influence the appropriations process, so it’s important for Members and staff to hear from you directly. They need to know that bus funding is a priority in their district. Please take a couple minutes to help advocate for bus systems. Your help is critical to our continued success.
If you need the email for Transportation LAs in your congressional office, feel free to reach out to [email protected] and he can get you the information. Thanks for your help! – Joel and Ed
Attachment: Congressional Caucus FY 20 Letter