FTA CARES Grant Deadlines Extended to April 29th, 2020 & Background Information

Secretary Chao Extends FTA Grant Deadlines, Including Bus and Bus Facility Competitive Grants:
On March 27, Bus Coalition staff participated in a call with Secretary Chao and FTA Acting Administrator Williams.
They announced that all pending Notice of Funding Opportunity deadlines will be extended to April 29th, including the pending 5339b Bus and Bus Facility Grant.
The Bus and Bus Facility deadline was originally set for Monday, March 30th, but FTA is providing additional flexibility because of the impacts of the Coronavirus on transit agency staff.
This notification does NOT impact the $25 billion in Coronavirus Phase III funds that will be distributed via formula. Once the final Phase III package passes the House and is signed into law – which should happen tomorrow – formula funds must be distributed through the 5307 and 5311 programs within 7 days of enactment. Help is on the way.
UPDATE: On an April 6th FTA Webinar, the Administration shared significant new information on CARES Act Implementation, with several key announcements and recommendations. Those slides are available available for download here.